• info@glorymixedfarm.rw
  • +250788842213


GLORY MIXED FARM is an integrated agricultural company registered under in Rwanda with location of NYAGATARE sector in Eastern province to carry out agriculture and farming related business and activities. company has since inception operated as a development-focused integrated agribusiness company that addresses food insecurities to contribute meaningfully to Rwanda’s prosperity and social development. Our core business areas are farming, agricultural aggregation, Export of agricultural products. Prior to its incorporation, the company started operation in 2015 with its flagship service including crops production such as: maize, rice, beans, soybeans, fresh tomatoes, Irish potatoes and sweet potatoes, animal rearing includes livestock farming (cow, goat), piggery farming and poultry farming The company has its corporate office in Kigali, Rwanda with farmland in NYAGATARE District and KAYONZA district both are district of eastern province of Rwanda. GLORY MIXED FARM has evolved to become a leading exporter of fresh agricultural products from Rwanda through its flagship and local markets supplying. Our wide range of farm products includes crops products such as: maize, rice, beans, soybeans, fresh tomatoes, Irish potatoes and sweet potatoes, Animal rearing products includes eggs, cow, pigs, turkey and chicken meats, we also supply organic manures and animal feeds to company’s neigh boring farmers. Collectively, these products are grown on our 45-ha diversified crop farm. Our commitment to providing our clients with fresh-free disease farm products and best products in the global market has positioned us as a leader in the provision of expert agronomy services in a bid to provide fast and cost-effective solutions to those who rely on us.

Mission Statement

To ensure all-year-round sustainable cultivation and supply of high-quality agricultural and farming products that are affordable, accessible, efficient, effective, and enhance the quality of life and the environment.


Through a long-term commitment to our mission, we will become renowned for leveraging technology and human capital to foster global food security and agricultural innovation in Rwanda  and throughout the whole Africa.

Core Values

Agriculture is a 'people' business. We strives to connect with stakeholders in the industry to share knowledge, resources and exchange value. Therefore we encourage partnership, volunteerism, and mentorship among the stakeholders along the value chain of our products . We focuses on serving Individuals and entities within and outside the agriculture sector. The effort is through the creation of  high-quality agricultural products that create satisfaction to consumers, small-scale farmers and corporations.

Shared passion 

We have all chosen our respective careers because we are excited and energised to be involved in agriculture and make a difference. This shared passion runs as a common thread that unites us with all stakeholders in the industry.


The ability to feed the future is vested on the proper conservation of the land and environment we are living in today. Biodiversity Conservation measures are part of our agriculture practices.

Services and products

  1. Crops Farming: our company engages in primary production of different crops including maize, rice, beans, soybeans, fresh tomatoes, Irish potatoes and sweet potatoes.
  2. Livestock Farming: We practices licvestock farming of cows and goat with the aim of milk production and meat production 
  3. Piggery Farming We practices piggery farming of pigs with the aim of pigs meat production and organic manure production 
  4. Poultry farming We practices poultry farming of hens  with the aim of eggs and meats production 
  5. Manure production: our farm includes different activities that can be used to produces organic manure and fertilizers that can be used to plants the next seasons crops, we take that opportunities and make it happens as we use our own organic manure

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